
杭州宝登达制罐有限公司成立于 2010 年,我司专业生产各类马口铁盒、铁罐。公司占地面积三万平方米,座落于浙江省杭州市萧山区,交通便利,离上海,宁波港口仅2个小时的车程。设备先进齐全,工人训练有素,并拥有一批专业的技术研发和管理团队,公司贯彻以优良的品质和最高的效率,为客户提供优质的服务。我司拥有员工 200多名,生产线20多条,自动线30 条,以及2000多套模具供您选择。我司有DISNEY, BSCI, SEDEX等验厂,ISO 9001:2008, ISO14001:2015,BRCGS等认证,并通过 FDA, LFGB等食品级测试,产品远销欧美、东南亚等地。

公司的宗旨是以人为本、诚信经营、创新进取、和谐发展、立之以诚,让产品因为宝登达而发挥更高的价值是我们的使命,成为包装行业的全球领军企业是我们的愿景,公司员工一直奉行没有客户就没有我们存在的价值为理念,拒绝一切理由,只为结果努力。成立至今已为很多国际知名品牌提供过产品,如雀巢、迪士尼、立顿、伊利、 百雀羚、屈臣氏、雅芳、欧诗漫等等。


Hangzhou Baodengda Tin Co., Ltd was specialized in the manufacture of a range of printed tinplate products including candy boxes, all shapes of tea boxes, coffee boxes, wine tin boxes, sugar tin boxes, outique tin boxes, pepper tin boxes, chocolate tin boxes, cookie tin boxes. We can also make all kinds of gift tins, like CD cases, tin ashtrays, pencil cases, coin banks, candle cans, tin badges and tin pads, clothes packaging tins.

Baodengda is a large size production company with excellent equipments, high-end technology and a strong work-force. It has more than 30000 squaremeters of working spaces, twenty-eight management personnels, fifteen automated production device development technicians.More than 30 QA and QC personnels with a strong quality control department and about two hundred and fifty various other skiled workers.

Baodengda now owns three hundred various punching machines, including twenty large punching machines from 63 ton to 100 ton, 20 packaging lines and 30 automatic production lines in order to serve customers better. The company established quality control system by the standard of ISO 9001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, and passed the audit of SEDEX, DISNEY and BSCI, etc. Our products are mainly sold to North America, European and Asia, over 40 countries and regions. We do business with various countries around the world in accordance with international trade customs, and we are world-famous professional tin box manufacturer now. In recent years, we actively explore domestic market, we have established long-term cooperative relationship with well-known domestic food enterprises, and our product quality and service are well received by customers.We are confident enough to meet your special demands.

Welcome to call and visit us.



【关于CIPPME包装展】CIPPME 2024上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于2024年08月07-09日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME上海国际包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2024年8月7-9日,CIPPME上海国际包装展期待你的光临!点击在线预登记,免费获取2024包装展参观证。更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!

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