

我们的产品涉及到食品、化妆品、制药、化工、五金、电子等各种塑料包装。我们采用PE、PP、PS、PVC、PET、ABS、PA、PMMA等新型材料为原料,采用注射、吹、压、吸等生产工艺,可生产1ml ~ 4l大小的容器。我们也欢迎OEM和ODM订单。


我们的产品还出口到世界各国和地区, 例如美国、英国、法国、意大利、德国、日本、澳大利亚等。本着互惠互利的经营原则,我们的产品以专业的服务、优质的产品和具有竞争力的价格赢得了国内外的广泛赞誉。

ZHEJIANG SANTONG PLASTIC INDUSTRY CO.,LTD. founded in 2015 and is located in TaiZhou city ,ZheJiang Province, is a professional plastic manufacturer specializing in the research, development, sale and service.

We have a general investment of 2 million $ and a plant area of more than 20 thousand square metes. Enjoying convenient transportation and beautiful environment.

Our products are involved in a vast range of plastic packaging for food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, chemical,hardware,electronic and so on. We use the raw materials of PE, PP, PS, PVC, PET, ABS, PA, PMMA and other new types of materials, and adopt the production technique including injecting, blowing, pressing, absorbing and so on, to produce containers ranging in size from 1ml to 4 liters. We also welcome OEM and ODM orders.

As a professional plastic packaging supplier, we have excellent teams who focus on product development & design, quality control & inspection and company running. In order to supply the satisfactory products and services, we have built a modern quality management system which is in strict accordance with international standards. In addition, we have obtained ISO9001, ISO8317 certificates.

Our products are also exported to clients in such countries and region as America, England, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Australia and so on. Adhering to the business principle of mutual benefits, our products gain wide praises at home and abroad, because of our professional services, quality products and competitive price.



【关于CIPPME包装展】CIPPME 2024上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于2024年08月07-09日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME上海国际包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2024年8月7-9日,CIPPME上海国际包装展期待你的光临!点击在线预登记,免费获取2024包装展参观证。更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!

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