
广东金佳远印刷有限公司,座落于伟人孙中山的故乡---中山市。公司专注于纸品类产品的设计、生产 、销售、服务,被评为:中山市高新技术企业”25000多平方的生产场地,在职员工300多人, 是集设计、印 刷、后工序为一体的优秀印刷企业。


企业拥有先进的电脑数控、印刷制版、CTP联机色彩控制系统。专业从事彩箱、彩盒、精品盒、画册、 说明书、卡牌、海报、手提袋、吸塑彩卡、吊牌、不干胶等印刷业务。企业紧跟时代潮流,与时俱进,努力提 高企业核心竞争力,积极进行技术改进,先后引进日本全新小森G40四色、小森G45五色、小森G45五色+连机过油、高宝4色、炜刚6+2轮转印刷机、全自动翻转裱纸机、全新自动裱纸机、自动啤机,烫金机、压纹机、粘盒机、药品防伪喷码机、折页机、装订机、CTP全自动制版机、不干胶等世界领先的印刷设备,以及齐全的印前印后设备等。


公司通过了:ISO9001 ISO14001 迪士尼、 BSCI认证、 FSC认证;公司坚持“感恩奉献 认真执着 同心同进 共筑未来 ”的管理理念。倡导“诚信为立足之本 创新为生存之源 服务为永恒的主题”的价值观。在企业人才建设上秉承任人唯贤的用人制度,营造良好的人才成长环境。全面系统的培训员工,从而提高员工素质和管理能力,为建立一个高品质、高素质的现代化企业奠定坚实基础。公司所服务的客户分布于电子、耗材、食品、饮料、药品、玩具、日化、服装、商贸等行业的印刷包装制品。公司重视创新发展,在同行业中处于领先优势。我们不断努力,开拓新的印刷包装领域,始终以客户为核心,以产品为依托,为客户持续创造价值!与客户合作共赢,携手发展!


Guangdong Jinjiayuan Printing Co., Ltd. is located in Sun Yat sen's Hometown - Zhongshan City. The company focuses on the design and production of paper products Sales and service, rated as "Zhongshan High tech Enterprise" 25000 multi square production site with over 300 employees, integrating design and printing an excellent printing enterprise that integrates brushing and post processing.


The enterprise has advanced computer numerical control, printing plate making, and CTP online color Color control system. Specializing in color boxes, color boxes, boutique boxes, picture albums Instructions, cards, posters, handbags, blister colored cards, hanging tags, Stickers Printing business such as glue. Enterprises keep up with the trend of the times, keep up with the times, and strive to improve High core competitiveness of the enterprise, actively carrying out technological improvements, and successively introducing the new Japanese Komori G40 four color、Komori G45 five color、 Komori G45 five color+connected oil、Gaobao four color、and Weigang 6+2 rotary printing machine、 Fully automatic flip paper mounting machine、Brand new automatic paper mounting machine、Automatic beer machine、 Hot stamping machine、 Embossing machine,、Adhesive box machine、 Drug anti-counterfeiting inkjet printer、Folding machine、 Binding machine CTP fully automatic plate making machine、 Self-adhesive and other world leading printing equipment、as well as complete pre press post press equipment.


The company has passed ISO9001、 ISO14001 、Disney、BSCI certification and FSC certification; The company adheres to the principle of "Gratitude、Dedication、Seriousness、 Perseverance and working together to build the future"Management philosophy. Advocate the value of "integrity as the foundation, innovation as the source of survival, service as the eternal theme". Adhere to the appointment system of meritocracy in talent development in enterprises Create a favorable environment for talent growth. Comprehensive and systematic training of employees to improve their quality and management abilities, laying a solid foundation for establishing a high-quality and high-quality modern enterprise Basics. The customers served by the company are distributed in printing and packaging products in industries such as Electronics、Consumables, Food, Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Toys、Daily chemicals、Clothing and Commerce. The company values innovation Development, leading edge in the same industry. We continuously strive to explore new fields of printing and packaging, always focusing on customers and relying on products to continuously create cost for customers Value! Win win cooperation with customers and develop together!




【关于CIPPME包装展】CIPPME 2023上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于2023年08月09-11日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品及包装材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2023年08月09-11日,CIPPME包装展期待你的光临!点击在线预登记,免费获取2023包装展参观证。更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!

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