






Beijing Huarong Plastic & Rubber Co.,Ltd. specializes in designing and marketing plastic packaging products. Located in Beijing,China. The company has professional designing team and can design custom bottle according to customer demand. We have more than 10 bottle design patents till now.

The main products of Huarong Plastic & Rubber Co.,Ltd are PE(in-mold labeling)bucket/bottle series, PET material edible oil bottle series, auto care product packaging series, lubricating ester packaging series with heat transfer print technic and kinds of bottle lids series.


Huarong focuses on improving product quality and striving for perfection. With the series of high-quality products, we earn the trust of our clients from home and abroad, and the products have been exported to America, New Zealand,Egypt, Israel, Australia,India, Indonesia, Korea and over 10 countries and regions around the world.

Creative design and best service are considered as the foundation of the company’s business. As the company and its customer base grow more rapidly, the company is more committed to make even greater efforts in providing its customers with its innovative design capactiy, professional service advantages and high-quality packaging products. Huarong promises to meet the toughest demands from any customer and live up to its name every step of the way.



【关于CIPPME包装展】CIPPME 2023上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于2023年08月09-11日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2023年08月09-11日,CIPPME包装展期待你的光临!点击在线预登记,免费获取2023包装展参观证。更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!

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