





Zhengzhou Xueyan Thermal Energy Equipment Co., Ltd. is a Henan scientific and technological enterprise engaged in the research and development, production, service and application of steam thermal energy equipment. The company's address is located in Xinmi City, 30 kilometers southwest of Zhengzhou, on the banks of the Weishui River.

After 15 years of research and development, the company has created a sophisticated fully automated, unattended "steam heat engine", advanced split internal combustion and heating innovation technology, and created non-specific (special equipment) and non-useful The new "Steam Heat Engine", which handles various (special equipment) procedures, saves 15%-25% energy in different industries, and meets environmental protection emission standards, fills a number of technical gaps in the steam heat equipment industry.

"Steam Heat Engine" is a replacement steam equipment of "pressure boiler". It is a steam thermal energy equipment that can be installed in the workshop for long-term use and safe operation as "ordinary equipment".

Since 2008, the company has won 5 invention patents from the State Intellectual Property Office! 11 utility model patents! The Xueyan team insists on "casting the Xueyan brand with cutting-edge technology, meeting customer needs with high-quality products, letting the capable team develop innovative technologies, and winning customer satisfaction with sincere service."




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