
义乌市凯汇包装制品有现公司是一家塑料包装制品设计与定制生产优质源头工厂,公司成立于2007年。历经14年从一家只有20平方的俩夫妻的小厂。成长为自有厂房16000多平70多位员工的优质公司。从起初年营业额不超50万的个体户提升为年营业额9000多万的大型塑料包装生产企业。从专注PVC塑料胶盒。扩展到专业PVC.PET.PP。圆筒、胶盒、天地盖、蛋糕盒、吸塑等包装产品。公司从一台碑机扩产到现在有全自动海德堡(8+1)VU印刷机一台。全自动进口碑机两台,全自动进口柔软线复式机三台,手动烫金机两台,手动碑机五台 ,全自动勾底糊盒机两台,全自动糊盒子八台,全自动高速吸塑成型机八台。圆筒成型机六台等,2019年到2020年公司投入超过过去往年总和。2021年我们公司将超过%70改为自动化。为客户节省费用 优选全国食品级PET供应商。建立长期的原材料稳定供应生产线,工厂每年积极参加美国展。德国法兰克福展,香港礼品展。广交会等知名展会。和客户面对面的沟通交流。用我们的专业来定制客户所需产品。在公司研发团队的不懈努力下。产品不良率控制在3%以内。产品从生产到成品出库的每个环节都有专人负责。真正的让客户放心。公司产品常年销售美国。澳大利亚。意大利。波兰。德国。墨西哥等发达国家。并受到客户一致好评。( 只为做好品质。服务好每一位客户)。这是我们公司的口号也是我们的目标。欢迎广大客户莅临参观洽谈。




Yiwu Kaihui Packaging Products Ltd. is a high-quality source factory for the design and customized production of plastic packaging products. The company was established in 2007, after 14 years it has grown into a high-quality company with more than 16,000㎡ and more than 70 employees from a small factory of couple with only 20㎡. From the initial individual household with an annual turnover of less than 500,000 yuan, it has been upgraded to a large-scale plastic packaging manufacturer with an annual turnover of more than 90 million yuan. From focusing on PVC plastic boxes, it extends to be a professional PVC, PET, PP, Cylinder, blistering, lid & bottom box etc. packaging factory. The company expanded its facilities from initial a simple machine to current a fully automatic Heidelberg (8+1) VU printing machine, two sets of fully automatic imported tombstone machines, three sets of fully automatic imported soft line duplex machines, two sets of manual hot stamping machines, five sets of manual tombstone machines, two sets of fully automatic bottom box pasting machines, eight sets of fully automatic box pasting machines, fully automatic high speed Eight blister forming machines, six cylinder forming machines, etc. From 2019 to 2020, the company's investment exceeds the sum of previous years. In 2021, our company's automation will be more than 70%, aiming at saving costs for customers, being the selected national food-grade PET supplier and establishing a long-term stable supply chain of raw materials production line. Our factory actively participates in the US exhibition every year, and Frankfurt Fair in Germany, Hong Kong Gift Fair, as well as the Canton Fair, so that we can contact customers face to face. After the long-time efforts of our development team, our production's defect rate is under 3%. There are exclusive persons in charge of each link from the materials, production to finished goods, to make customers fully rest assured. Our products are widely sold in US, Australia, Italy, Poland, Germany, Mexico etc.






【关于CIPPME包装展】CIPPME 2023上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于2023年08月09-11日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2023年08月09-11日,CIPPME包装展期待你的光临!点击在线预登记,免费获取2023包装展参观证。更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!

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