





The Forests Packaging Group has focused on paper packaging since 1986. Forests Packaging Group is a Top 30 paper packaging enterprise on Mainland China. Its premises occupy more than 1000, 000 square meters, the building area of 600, 000 square meters, with plant assets of more than USDS230 million. With core competence in color carton boxes, Forests Packaging is a stable partner for outstanding customers such as Bayer, Macy's, HP, and Jockey. Every year Forests Packaging develops business cooperation with new big customers. With honest and sincere working attitude Forests Packaging is becoming the first and best choice for domestic and foreign customers.

The Forests Packaging cooperates with 8 factories from waste paper recycling through making paper, and all stages of printing to provide a one-stop paper packaging service to every customer from all over the world. Forests Packaging is ready to serve every customer's requirement. For customers with big and urgent orders the Forests Packaging will focus strictly on the time schedule to provide high-quality boxes on time. For customers with small Forests Packaging staff always shows enthusiasm and professionalism to grow with customers.


There are over 100 pieces of advanced equipment including advanced corrugated board production lines, world-class biggest printing machines, such as the German MAN Roland. Heidelberg Speed master, the Japanese Roybi with four-color and five-color options, and full series of pre-printing and after-printing machines. Based on first-class facilities, technology, and management we are able to produce 2 billion square meters of top grade color surface carton, corrugated board, and paper products annually, With advanced machines and a rational system we are confident that you will be satisfied with the boxes.

Depending on our advantage and professional packaging production, Forests Packaging has been awarded many international certificates: BSCI, LOWES, SGS, FSC, OLYMPIC HONOR, ISO9000, ISO14000, G7,ctc. Every certificate proves premier quality and considerate service of the Forests Packaging Group.

Shanghai Forests Packaging Group has devoted itself to inteniational markets since 2006, and developed more than 100 markets around the world in the last 13 years, Major popular markets are the USA, Australia, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Our nice products and amazing service are spoken highly of by our customers. That is why Forests Packaging is growing stronger to being a famous paper packaging brand in the world. Forests Packaging-a name that you can trust!




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