
2005年,佳加晟誉包装技术有限公司成立于上海浦东新区,是一家专门从事包装材料与服务的公司。我们以包装材料起家,产品涵盖纸类、木类、高分子材料类、金属类以及其它特殊材料类。我们在发展中开始为客户解决包装问题,为客户提供包装设计、包装外包服务以及包装材料测试等多方位技术方案,并逐渐成长为专业的包装技术与服务公司。 十几年来,我们不断壮大,开创了多种服务类型,积累了丰富的实战经验,加上对市场的敏锐感知,对产品的精准定位,使我们深得客户信任。我们的客户分布于快速消费品、物流、机械、电气、电子、医疗、精密仪器、医药和化工等各个行业。


JSPack Technology Limited is the company focused on packaging products and services. Founded in Pudong New Area, Shanghai, JSPack entered into packaging markets in 2005. Our products range covers from paper, wood, polymer, metal to special materials. JSPack has recorded rapid growth by expanding our businesses in the market sectors. We offer a wide range of packaging products and services. Our services include packaging design, packaging test, contract packaging, and etc. We now serve customers in various industries - FMCG, logistics, machinery, electrical, electronics, pharmaceutical, chemical, precision instruments and etc. We have been improving our customer service level by exceeding our customers’ expectation, and by building strong partnerships with global leading companies in the industry, such as Sealed Air Inc. and HSM GmbH. In the mean time, JSPack also plays an important role in the China Packaging Council as the executive member of the council. Our vision: We create value for our customers through our packaging products and services - Value from Packaging.






【关于上海包装展】CIPPME 2020上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于2020年8月12-14日(周三到周五)在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME上海国际包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品及包装材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2020年8月12-14日,CIPPME 2020包装展期待你的光临!点击在线预登记,免费获取2020包装展参观证。更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!


更多关于CIPPME包装展览会的信息,敬请关注CIPPME包装展官方微信公众号:CIPPME 或扫描上方二维码获取!CIPPME 2020中国上海国际包装展览会于2020年08月12-14日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)与你不见不散,主办单位禾欣展览诚邀你参与!


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