
苏州市精益达印刷有限公司成立于2011年, 公司坐落在具有悠久历史和深厚文化底韵的苏州吴中经济开发区,交通便利、环境优美。2012年4月公司在全体员工的共同努力下顺利通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证。 拥有各类专业印刷设备和各类设计专业人才。同时在广州深圳也设有生产工厂。 公司主要生产经营项目有:不干胶标签印刷、食品标签、日化用品,饮料标签、各类酒标、PC铭牌、丝网印刷类铭板、电脑条码打印标签、防伪易碎纸、滴塑、保护膜、静电膜、服装吊牌、样本、产品说明书印刷等业务。目前产品可广泛服务于电子、电器、医药、饮料、化工、化妆品、工艺品等产品上,并能提供产品的摄影、设计、制版等印刷业务服务。 公司以"以人本,开拓进取"为企业宗旨,以求真务实,诚信创新的企业精神为广大客户提供满意的服务与你共创美好前景!


本公司拥有先进的印刷生产设备与品检设备,有六色轮转印刷机2台、8色PS版轮转机6色+冷烫+光油1台,四色商标印刷机3台、全自动网版印刷机4台、多功能商标模切机2台、电脑品检机4台、电脑复卷机5台、电脑对卷机2台、高温烤箱1台、全自动晒/洗版设备2台。 品质源于专业,我们本着“质量第一,信誉第一,服务第一”的宗旨,加强内部管理和渠道建设,以最好的品质、最优的价格、最快的货期、最高的效率为您服务,我们值得您的信赖。


Suzhou JingYiDa Printing Co., Ltd, founded in 2011, is located in Wuzhong Economic Zone in Su Zhou famous for its profound history and rich cultural heritage. The company also enjoys convenient transportation and beautiful environment, In April 2012, the company successfully passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification under the joint efforts of all staff equipped with various types of professional printing equipments and talents in designing field. Meanwhile, our company has manufacturers in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Our main businesses are self-adhesive labels printing, food labels,daily chemicals, beverage labels, all kinds of labels, PC nameplate, screen printed panel, computer barcode printing, security labels, fragile labels, rubber patch, protective film,Electrostatic film,garment hangtag, samples, product brochures printing business and so on. Up to now, our products serves electronics, electrical appliances, pharmaceutical, beverages, chemicals, cosmetics and crafts, providing printing services concerning photo, design and platemaking. Our company regards “focus on people-oriented service and forge ahead ” as the mission, provides best services to satisfy our customers based on the spirit


The company has advanced printing equipments and inspection equipments including two 6-color rotary printing machines, one 8-color rotary printing machine:PS version,one 6-color rotary machine + cold foil + Varnishing, three 4-color trademark printing machine 3, four automatic screen printing machines 4, 2 multifunctional trademark cutting machines, 4 computer inspection machines, 5 computer rewinders, 2 computer roll to roll machines, one high-temperature oven, two automatic drying / washing machines. We provide quality with our professionalism, keep in mind ”quality first, reputation first, service first” as our mission,while improve internal management and build more business channels so as to offer best quality, best price, fastest delivery, the maximum efficiency for you. Our company is your most reliable friend.


苏州精益达印刷有限公司将携新品亮相CIPPME 2018第十二届上海国际包装制品与材料展览会,我公司的展位号是D101,欢迎新老客户光临我们展位参观。



【关于上海包装展】CIPPME 2020上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于2020年8月12-14日(周三到周五)在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME上海国际包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品及包装材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2020年8月12-14日,CIPPME 2020包装展期待你的光临!点击在线预登记,免费获取2020包装展参观证。更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!


更多关于CIPPME包装展览会的信息,敬请关注CIPPME包装展官方微信公众号:CIPPME 或扫描上方二维码获取!CIPPME 2020中国上海国际包装展览会于2020年08月12-14日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)与你不见不散,主办单位禾欣展览诚邀你参与!


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