
【上海包装展览会讯】CIPPME 2019第十三届上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于 2019年08月14—16日(周三到周五)在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,展会预计展出面积55000平方米,参展商600+知名品牌,观众60000人次,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME上海国际包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品及包装材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2019年8月14-16日,上海国际包装展会期待你的光临!(快上车,带你去观众传送门)更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!


杰诚是一家以快递耗材、物流装备、供应链服务、仓储配送为主营业务的高新技术企业,为客户提供省心、省力、省成本的一站式集成供应服务,是全球快递电商供应链服务商。 致力于国际快递包装行业的发展,专业从事集快递包装的研究、开发、制造及销售,凭借公司强大的技术力量和经济实力,不断开发出具有国际先进技术水平的新产品。公司产品广泛适用:ebay小包、国际快递、邮局快递、物流快递、礼品、首饰、产品简介、书籍、电子零件、纺织品、游戏软件、玩具零件、医疗器械、相框、手表、驱动U盘、药品、票据证件等。成立于2013年,公司总部设在深圳,又称为“鹏城”,位于珠江三角洲东岸,与香港一水之隔。公司在全国各大城市设有分销部门,服务网络遍及全国。公司内部实行网络化管理,依托先进的互联网技术和计算机管理系统,实现规范化运作,在最短的时间内为用户提供高品质的产品。公司本着技术领先、质量第一、客户至上的原则为广大用户提供满意的服务。 目前公司为国内、外超过2万家的快递公司、ebay贸易、淘宝网商、生产企业、贸易公司,提供了方便快捷的服务、是国内具影响力的国际互联网销售的附属服务产品之一。公司将坚持客户导向、服务为本的策略,继续专注于在快递包装领域开拓发展成为企业、公司、网商、家庭的网络消费产品,安全便捷运输推动者和服务者。杰诚将秉承"和谐、安全、便捷"的文化,与客户和合作伙伴齐心协力一起成长,愿为国内外,快递服务、便捷包装、B2B、B2C的发展贡献绵薄之力。

Jie Cheng is a fast delivery supplies, logistics equipment, supply chain services, warehousing and distribution for the main business of high-tech enterprises, to provide customers with peace of mind, effort, the cost of the one-stop integrated supply services, Chain service providers. Is committed to the development of international express packaging industry, specializing in set of express packaging research, development, manufacturing and sales, with the company's strong technical strength and economic strength, and constantly develop a new international advanced technology level of new products. Company products are widely applicable: ebay packet, international express, post office courier, logistics courier, gifts, jewelry, product introduction, books, electronic parts, textiles, travel Play software, toy parts, medical equipment, picture frames, watches, drive U disk, drugs, bills and other documents. Founded in 2013, the company is headquartered in Shenzhen, also known as "Pengcheng", located in the Pearl River Delta on the east coast, and Hong Kong separated by a water. Companies in major cities across the country with distribution departments, service network throughout the country. Internal network management, relying on advanced Internet technology and computer management system, to achieve standardized operation, in the shortest possible time to provide users with high-quality products. Companies in the leading technology, quality first, customer first principle for the majority of users to provide satisfactory services. The company for domestic and foreign more than 20,000 courier companies, ebay trade, Taobao business, production enterprises, trading companies, providing a convenient and efficient service, is the influential international Internet sales of ancillary services products. The company will adhere to customer-oriented, service-oriented strategy, continue to focus on the development of express delivery in the field of enterprises, companies, network operators, home network Consumer products, safe and convenient transport promoters and service providers. Jie Cheng will be adhering to the "harmonious, safe and convenient" culture, and customers and partners work together to grow, is willing to domestic and foreign, courier services, convenient packaging, B2B, B2C contribution to the development of Mianbozhili.


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