
【上海包装展览会讯】CIPPME 2019第十三届上海国际包装制品与材料展览会将于 2019年08月14—16日(周三到周五)在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)盛大开幕,展会预计展出面积55000平方米,参展商600+知名品牌,观众60000人次,万众瞩目,包装大品牌云集!CIPPME上海国际包装展览会是你会见品牌包装供应商,采购各类新型、环保、潮流的包装制品及包装材料以及商贸交流,网络包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!2019年8月14-16日,上海国际包装展会期待你的光临!(快上车,带你去观众传送门)更多参展商信息请访问媒体栏目展商动态专栏!


港锋胶盒制品(广东)有限公司成立于2006年,是中国领先的包装盒制造商。 公司主要产品为PET盒、PP盒、PVC盒、透明鞋盒和各种吸塑包装。 自2006年以来,公司在使用透明环保胶水粘PET和PP折盒方面处于领先地位。一些透明盒子工厂仍在用发白胶水来粘胶盒,其他可能使用UV胶水,这对工人的健康是危险的,因为UV胶水可以导致皮肤癌! 除非一些客户要求使用再生料,例如R-PET外,我司制造的胶盒或吸塑均100%使用全新料。由于我司拥有经验丰富的工程师、技术员和工人,以及从美国、德国、日本等国家进口的全自动机器,因此,一些知名品牌选择与我们合作,例如,Loreal, Sears and Skullcandy等等。 目前,我司已通过了ISO 9001,BRC,BSCI认证。 我们把大部分注意力都放在产品的质量上,我们有QC检查生产的每一步,从原料到片材,再到印刷,再到最后的粘盒。所有胶盒在粘胶水后会进行逐个检查,以确保我们的每一件产品都是良品。每一个胶盒都用薄膜包裹,以防划伤,或者将保护膜留在透明盒上防止划痕。 我们的使命:不断提高我们产品的质量,努力成为最好的胶盒包装生产商! 我们的理念很简单:客户的成功就是我们的成功!

Kong Fung Packaging Products Factory Limited was established in 2006. We are one of the leading clear box and blister manufacturer in China. Our main products are PET boxes, PP boxes, PVC boxes, clear shoe boxes and different kinds of vacuum packs ( blisters ). We are the leader in using clear and environmentally friendly glue to glue PET and PP folding boxes since 2006. Some clear box factories are still using milky glue to glue their PET boxes now. Others may use UV glue which is dangerous to workers' health. Since UV glue can cause skin cancer ! We only use 100% virgin raw material for production of our clear packaging boxes and blisters, except some customers may request to produce boxes with recycled material, for example R-PET. Thanks to our experienced engineers, artists and workers and all fully auto machines imported from U.S.A., Germany, Japan and other countries, we produce very good quality clear packaging boxes and blisters. Therefore, some famous brand names choose to cooperate with us. For example, Loreal, Sears and Skullcandy, etc. We put most of our attention to the quality of our products. We have QC to check every step of production. From raw material to sheeting, to printing, to creasing and finally glue. All clear plastic boxes are 100% checked one by one at the final step after glue to make sure every piece of our products are good quality for shipping to customers. Each piece of clear plastic box is wrapped by poly film to prevent scratching or sometimes, just leave the protective film on clear box to prevent scratching. Our mission : Continue to improve the qualtity of our products, to be the best of the best in clear packaging industry in the world. Our philosophy is very simple : Our customer's success is our success !


更多关于CIPPME包装展览会的信息,敬请关注CIPPME包装展官方微信公众号:CIPPME 或扫描上方二维码获取!CIPPME 2020中国上海国际包装展览会于2020年08月12-14日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区国展路1099号)与你不见不散,主办单位禾欣展览诚邀你参与!


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